Magzter, the digital newstand you must have

 Since their establishment since 2011 magzter has over 75 million users including magazines of 40+ categories in 60+languages. Magzter offers ‘Magzter gold’ which is a ‘All-You-Can-Read’ subscription given to its users where they will have unlimited access to 5000+ magazines and newspapers for a monthly subscription fees.
Magzter is available as an app on Apple iOS, Android and as a website for browser based reading. It’s ezRead 2.0 feature allows it smartphone based users to the app in a user friendly way where they’ll be able to read text in a easy way including witnessing stunning videos and enjoying high resolution photography.
By utilizing Geo-Fencing Satellite technology,Magzter through it’s Magzter Smart Reading Zone allows users unlimited access to plethora of  best selling magazines and newspapers. They can access to these content in any location instantly without needing to purchase in every new location. Many commercial entities incorporate the smart reading zone in their workplaces giving a valuable service for their employees and customers.

Click here to start your free trial


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